The Customer Confidential Podcast

Inside Madison Avenue’s Loyalty Challenge, with Michael Farmer

Author and consultant Michael Farmer shares his observations of the changing ad industry and lessons for other companies.


Inside Madison Avenue’s Loyalty Challenge, with Michael Farmer

No industry has escaped the disruption of digital technology. Advertising is no exception.

Ad agencies, which previously thrived in what was once a loyalty-based industry, now face new competition as they struggle to hold on to client relationships. Advertising fee structures have also changed, along with customer expectations.

In this episode, I talk to advertising industry expert Michael Farmer, author of Madison Avenue Manslaughter: An Inside View of Fee-Cutting Clients, Profit-Hungry Owners and Declining Ad Agencies. His firm, Farmer & Company, advises advertising agencies on business strategy, giving him a front-row seat to these dramatic shifts. Michael shares his observations of the changing ad industry and lessons for other companies.

You can listen to our conversation in iTunesStitcher or through the player above.

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