The Customer Confidential Podcast

A Little Praise Goes a Long Way, Says Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor, a leading expert in the connection between happiness and success, says that praise can increase employees' productivity and fulfillment in big ways.


A Little Praise Goes a Long Way, Says Shawn Achor


Employees who are sincerely happy almost always provide a better customer experience. But what can companies do to make a meaningful difference in how employees feel about their work?

Shawn Achor, The New York Times best-selling author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness, says that companies can do a lot. In fact, sometimes the solutions are as simple as encouraging social interaction and praise.

In this episode, Shawn discusses the connection between happiness and success, and his work with Fortune 100 companies that want to increase employee engagement. You can listen to our conversation on iTunesStitcher or through the audio player above.

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